Thursday 24 October 2013

How To Get More Facebook Fans?

8 Ways To Get More Facebook Fans : Official Facebook Info

We have covered Facebook pages at great length here in the past and discussed how they are great for business and shared some great examples of the best ones but one question that we always get asked is how do you get more people to become a fan of your page? Most people start by inviting all their friends but we thought we would share a few tips that well help swell those numbers for you. What you have to remember though is that the content is the most important factor in all of this and without it you won’t be able to grow the page organically.

Suggest To Friends

One of the easiest ways is to suggest the page to your friends who are already on Facebook. If you have some really good friends and you think the page might be relevant to their friends as well it might be an idea to ask them to suggest it to them as well. This is a great way of getting off the ground.

How to do it

To invite your friends simply go to the page you want to promote and click on the “suggest to friends” button and the following box will appear. Tick the friends you want to suggest the page to and they will be sent an alert.

Hold A Contest

People love winning stuff. If you can get your hands on a decent prize and make entry as easy as becoming a fan of your page then you will see your fans increase dramatically. You may even want to consider offering your fans the chance to win a prize by submitting a photo to your page. If the competition is inventive enough and they submit lots of photos this will spread even further beyond your current group of fans as it spreads through their news streams.

Add The URL To Your Marketing Material

You will hopefully have got your own vanity URL at this stage so as people can find you at Once you have this you should start adding it to your business cards, email signatures, headed paper and any other physical marketing materials you might have.

Buy Them

Facebook offers some of the most targeted advertising you can imagine and you can use Facebook adverts to drive more fans to your page and hopefully convert them into fans. You will need to make sure that you have a good call to action on your page to convert these fans into customers or clients as this can be an expensive way of building up your fan base.

Tag Users In Photos Videos

Try and get as much rich content (videos and photos) of friends, people related to your company or people at events you attend and tag them so as the pictures and video appear in their streams and they will hopefully start to comment and interact with your content and hopefully become your fan and invite their friends to do the same.

Put A Facebook Fan Box On Your Website/Blog

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">FB.init("2ea4bbc368e74be601675bc1ca3c4a32");</script><fb:fan profile_id="126056687644" stream="1" connections="22" width="650"></fb:fan>
Simply Zesty on Facebook

Facebook allows you to put a small version of your fan page on to your own website or blog and this is something that you should definitely do immediately as it will show your fan page off to a much bigger audience. To do this simply go to your fan page and click on the “add bix to site” and you will be able to embed a similar version to the one above and to customize it as desired to fit your page.

Cross Promote Through Sites Like Twitter

You probably already have a good following on Twitter, YouTube or other social sites so push some of them over to Facebook by offering them good content and interaction on your Facebook fan page. You may also want to leverage things like your current email list or database by offering them special deals on your Facebook page or through competitions.

Produce really great content

There really is no substitute for creating great content that is unique to your Facebook page as if you have the right group of people following you they will do all the hard work by spreading it to their networks for you and increasing your visibility. You shouldn’t just post blog posts and links to other sites as a filler but instead treat the page with love and create proper unique content especially for Facebook.

Just like any other activity on the web it is going to take a bit of time and getting fans will rely mostly on creating great content but if you do that and follow some of the simple techniques above you should be on the way to getting a great Facebook Fan page with a thriving community.

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